Sunday, November 8, 2009

Counselor in the Bishopric: New Experiences for Ray

Ray is serving in the Bishopric in ways he probably never imagined. His work as counselor to Bishop Maddux takes him to It's Great to Be Eight nights for soon-to-be baptized, on bike rides with the youth, knocking on doors to encourage less actives, conducting Sacrament meetings, making presentations for sharing time in Primary AND, apparently, a little babysitting while parents counsel with the Bishop! Way to go, Ray!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Halloween Highlights

A princess, a linebacker, a pixie, a monkey and a dragon. Also, a Valley (Utah) Girl and Guy??? Derek and Hillary created costumes for their ward party--apparently a total success! Ray and I watched Oregon clobber USC while droves of treaters knocked on our doors. Fun to see the array of costumes. Not fun to eat Halloween leftovers. Weird holiday. But Will loved it. Blaise said he tried to gather the skulls along driveways, took candy by handfuls and invited himself into peoples' homes. Sunday morning he woke up and came right down for more. "Happy Halloween! Get candy! Want to??"