Thursday, September 25, 2008

The Great Gathering

Mother's 80th birthday brought dear ones from their far-flung places (also from just across town and Orange County) like Hawaii, Utah and even Azerbijan (note: Stan flew over to the U.S. for surgery, but while in Salt Lake, decided to jet down.) So wonderful to celebrate this marvelous people person who has been so much a part of our lives: our mom, gma, g.g. (great-grandmother), sister, aunt, friend. Exciting, too, that after the huge birthday party , Mom kept celebrating her decades by buying herself a new car!! (Well, new to her.) Many thanks to all who made the party such a success--invitations, music, flowers, program, etc. Special thanks to Derek and Hillary for the wonderful video program and to Randy and Gaye Haar who helped with its projection on to a giant screen and also made copies for family members.
Another wonderful highlight was the arrival of Jocelyn Kaila on her first trip to the mainland (such a sweetie!) and the blessing of Andrew Jeffrey by his Great Uncle Steve. Fun to spend time with Becky and Royden & Mom in La Quinta....Enjoy the pics of parties, a cache of cousins, farm adventure, baby blessing , brunch that followed and Mom and her new Lucerne. Gatherings are a reminder of how wonderful it is to be part of a family. I am so well pleased with your accomplishments! Love you all so much. Mom

1 comment:

Hammels said...

Great pics mom. I like grandmas car, very nice.