Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Homecoming, Birthdays

So wonderful to welcome Derek and Hillary and Jocelyn from Hawaii. They came last Friday on their way to Derek's internship at the Marriot in Salt Lake. Grandma and Grandpa Haar joined up with them at our house Friday night, as did Cousin Will and family. Fun gathering! Derek, Jeff and Blaise climbed to two trees before we took off for Natalie's on Saturday where Jocelyn and Andrew celebrated each other's birthdays (a bit early) with cupcakes and candles. After church with Natalie's family on Sunday (and a photo shoot), Derek and family headed out on the last leg of their journey.. Fun to remember Jocelyn on her feet exploring, cousins meeting up again after so many months, a pit stop adventure in Baker and so much time to just visit and enjoy the Williams' family. The weather was cool and lovely for the rest of my visit.. Katherine and I watched Pinnochio while her Mom and Dad spent the evening with friends. Fun to get in on story time at the library and Katherine's swim lesson. Natalie's family heads this way this weekend for more cousin adventures. Hope the weather here is warmer!!

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