Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Aventura en Cabo

We had un tiempo fantastico en Cabo San Lucas with Ray's brother and sister-in-law and his sister and brother-in-law! Sparkling sun and brilliant blues overlooking the Sea of Cortez from the patio of Tom and Carrie's stunning hacienda on the hill. Ray and Tom helped sail an America's Cup yacht in the bay at Cabo and Del and I watched Carrie and Pauline swim with the dolphins! Unforgettable dinners out--one night sitting out by the water, another being serenaded by mariachi. So enjoyable to walk on the beach and have the chance to relax by the infinity pool with such fun people. We are grateful to have been invited for a refreshing four days of Mexican sun and Corbett hospitality. Hope we can regresar el ano que viene!

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