Saturday, June 14, 2008

Feesh! Feesh!

He asked for it! A trip to the Long Beach Aquarium with Mommy and Grandma Christy and Grandpa Ray to see the fish for real. UP CLOSE. Tropical fish in giant tanks swam before his very eyes. He touched sharks and sea anenomes and starfish. Some of the exhibits were a bit scary but he just refused to leave! "Feesh!" everywhere!! After a nap, he cruised the beach, running away from (and into) the gentle waves that lapped on the shore. (Perfect beach for little kids. No big waves because of the breakwater.)


Hammels said...

Heard about Kirby, so sad. Perhaps Will's parents should take a class on how to properly take care of a fish. Poor Will, perhaps I will get him a baby shark for christmas.

Hillaryous said...

Just get a dog and name it "fish."