Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Oh, baby, baby!!!

Two babies in two days!! An unforgettable week! Natalie was in labor when I headed for my flight. I told my fellow travelers about the imminent arrival. When we landed and I turned my phone on again, there was a text picture of a little face in a blue cap! Andrew Jeffrey. "I feel honored to be sharing this moment with you, " said the woman next to me on the plane--also a grandma, headed for Baltimore....THEN that very evening, Derek called to say they were on the way to the hospital in Hawaii for the next birth. Unfortuantely, baby number two took her time. Many hours! We waited, anxious, all Tuesday evening. I had my cell next to me all through the night. No word Wednesday morning or afternoon. Baby was "stuck." I awoke in a panic Thursday morning. It was 4:20 a.m. and STILL no word. I prayed, "Heavenly Father, I just have to know." Three seconds later my cell went off. I could hear Jocelyn crying in the background as a very weary Derek announced her arrival. She had come late Wednesday, a C-section, but healthy and beautiful, Jocelyn Kaila Williams, born June 25.......
My week with Natalie's family was a delight. Katherine, when Natalie brought the baby home in his car seat and set him down in the family room, cried, "My baby!!" She seemed very certain that she did NOT need our help to take care of him. Interesting to see her various reactions to this new development. She put diapers on all her babies. Begged to hold the baby. Was thrilled to be a gopher for baby wipes and Desitin. Finally, she crawed into the baby's car seat with a blanket herself. ....Andrew woke up, yawned, snacked and smacked and fell asleep again in a kind of milk coma. By the end of the week, though, he was more awake. Fun to see him open his eyes and look around. He is such a cutie!!.. Natalie and Jeff took turns through the night. They are wonderful, devoted parents.....Hillary and Derek brought baby home on Saturday and have posted the most delightful, incredible photos on their blog (taken at wee hours in the morning), with lots of details about the adventure of Jocelyn's birth. She and Derek are crazy about her. She will be crazy about them. They will be a marvelous mom and dad...Two beautiful, healthy babies.........(yes, it appears they both have "the lips")..... and all this joy!! Now they are four: Katherine, William, Andrew and Jocelyn....

1 comment:

Hillaryous said...

Thanks mom for all your love and support. We're so happy that baby Jocelyn was so well received into this world. She's one of kind. Love you, derek