Wednesday, March 4, 2009


It looks like another baby boy for Laura and Blaise Harris! Ultrasound shows one large (larger than Will was) healthy male baby to be. "The pressure's on for baby number three," Laura says. But lots of wonderful bennies for two of a kind: they can share clothes; share a room; share toys; shoot hoops; one day help each other serve missions...and on and on down the road of life. What joy this new little person will bring. Conrgratulations to the Harris family. Grandma Christy and Grandpa Ray are thrilled! Can't wait til this new little one arrives!

1 comment:

Hillaryous said...

Oh brother is right! I'm so excited for them! But as Laura said, they'll have to have a 3rd! Girls are fun I can attest to that... but what a joy to have 2 boys! Brothers and best friends! I can't believe he's bigger than Will was!

Can't wait to see the little gentlemen!