Sunday, March 22, 2009


So fun for my mother (Gigi) and me to hang out together with the Natalie's family over the weekend. Katherine is three and very chatty, cheery and lovable. Still nuts about horses. She is such a beautiful three--with huge grey/green eyes and golden hair. Andrew is Natalie's sidekick and viewed us with great suspicion. In her arms, he is bubbly, chuckly and full of huge smiles. So adorable. The MINTUE we tried to take him into our arms, he fell apart. We need to see him more often and pry him away a little from Natalie and Jeff. Fun to celebrate Jeff's 32nd birthday with him and fam with a lively dinner at the Olive Garden and go to some splendid (or unusual) parks. Check out the peacocks with tails in display. When the kids went down at 7:00 p.m.each night, we adults played Phase 10. Then crashed ourselves. We girls went on walks and worked on knitting hats and read to children while Jeff built hanging shelves in the garage. The weekend went by FAST. Can't wait to see this dear family again. One mishap: we hit a muffler (or something like a metal box) as Mom and I crossed the Pearblossom cutoff in freezing (later snow) rain. Miraculously, just five miles down the road we found a full-service gas station open with mechanic on hand to jack up the car and wire the dangling parking brake cable back up. We got back home in time to sit down to dinner with the Laura's family. What a weekend!

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